Time Series Chart

Show resulting data in a time series chart. This output can be exported to a CSV or PNG file by clicking on the export button in the runbook output. When looking at a time series chart in the runbook output, click on the export icon in the chart:


Node LabelType an informative name for the Timeseries Chart node. You can keep the system-provided default of "Timeseries Chart" if you wish.

TitleType a title for the chart that will appear in the runbook output. If this is not provided the Node Label will be used.

Position in Runbook OutputType the position you want the chart to appear in the runbook output. The runbook output is arranged vertically starting at row 1. If you have more than one chart with the same position value, then all charts with that position will appear in random order.

MetricsSelect the metrics you want to display in the chart.

StyleSelect the style for the Timeseries chart. Choose Line, Area (the default), Stacked Area, Step, Step (Area).

Show LegendSelect this to make the legend visible.

LegendSelect the legend position relative to the chart. Choose Top (the default), Bottom, Left, or Right.

NotesType any notes you want to appear in the runbook output. This can include variables, e.g., "Data From {{runtime.MyCustomVariable}}"

Notes PositionSelect the notes position relative to the chart. Choose Left (the default), Right, Top, or Bottom.

Runbook Compatibility

Incident, On-Demand, External (Webhook)