Modify output from a preceding node in the runbook into a JSON format that Riverbed IQ can use to provide input to another node. For example, transform the response from an HTTP Query node into a JSON format that Riverbed IQ can use to display data in visualizations such as tables and charts.
A Transform node can follow and take input from these node types in a runbook sequence:
Data Query (any)
Impact (any)
Decision Branch
HTTP Query
A Transform node can output data to these node types in a runbook sequence:
Data Query (any)
Impact (any)
Decision Branch
Node Label — Type an informative name for the Transform node. You can keep the system-provided default of "Transform" if you wish.
Debug — Select Debug if you want to receive debug data when the node executes.
Output Data Definition Method
Select whether you want to manually define the transform output data definition or use a variable to define the output data definition.
Output Data Definition
Specify which data (properties and/or metrics) you want to forward to other runbook nodes via JSON.
Output Data Format — Choose Summarized or Time Series.
Output Data Properties — Choose a property to output and specify its data type and units. Click Add Property if you want to output more than one.
Add Property
Output Data Metrics — Choose a metric to output and specify its data type and units. (For Time Series output, you must have at least one metric.) Click Add Metric if you want to output more than one.
Add Metric
Transform Template
Type the Liquid template to use for generating JSON output. Click the Output Data Example tab to show a preview of what the Liquid template's output will look like.
Runbook Compatibility
Incident, Lifecycle, On-Demand, External (Webhook), Subflow