Generate content using the Generative AI Language Model of the Riverbed Platform.
Enabling the GenAI node
Please send a request to Riverbed Support to enable Riverbed IQ Assist, which is artificial intelligence functionality based on a large language model.
For additional information regarding Riverbed IQ Assist, please view our AI in Products documentation in the Riverbed Trust Center.
AI-Generated disclaimer
When using Generative AI technologies to create and generate contents, the target audience must be aware. For that we recommend adding a disclaimer to the output of the content generated using the GenAI node. For example, appending "AI-Generated content".
Node Label — Type an informative name for the GenAI node. You can keep the system-provided default of "GenAI" if you wish.
Debug — Select Debug if you want to receive debug data when the node executes.
Model Instructions & Context
Write the instructions to the Generative AI model. It is a "system prompt" where you can describe how the Generative AI model should be, what it should and shouldn't answer and tell it how to format responses. The "Help me generating instructions" button can assist you writing the instructions. For example: "Analyze a time series of round trip time".
Select an item to specify what is used as the query to feed the Generative AI model. You can select to use the content of a variable, the trigger, the output of a parent node or you can provide the query text.
Runbook Compatibility
On-Demand, External (Webhook)
See the Riverbed Community Toolkit repository in GitHub to find examples of runbooks using the GenAI node, for example the External Runbook IQ Assist - Create ITSM ticket with Endpoint Diagnostic that works with Aternity Intelligent Service Desk Alerts (ISD) and ServiceNow