Incident Lifecycle Events and Runbooks
Incident lifecycle events indicate the state of ongoing incidents. Incident lifecycle runbooks provide a tool for tracking incident lifecycle changes, and making that information available outside of Riverbed IQ, through, for example, messaging applications and service management applications. Unlike incident runbooks, lifecycle runbooks do not perform analysis or output data to visualizations (such as tables and charts) or impact statements. However, you can use notes to record the information that the runbook passes to external recipients.
A simple example of a lifecycle runbook follows. This runbook takes the Runbook Completed trigger information, posts it to an HTTP endpoint, and writes the result in one of two notes: One note for a 200 result code, another note for any other result.
Access Lifecycle Runbooks from the Lifecycle Runbooks page.
The Runbook Editor Node Palette furnishes these incident lifecycle triggers for defining lifecycle runbooks:
Runbook Completed
Status Changed
Note Added
Note Updated
Indicators Updated
Ongoing State Changed
The Automation Management page maps runbooks for these triggering entities:
Impact Analysis Ready
Incident Indicators Updated
Incident Note Added
Incident Status Changed
Ongoing Incident Changed